My first OB-Gyn didn't tell me the sex of the baby. Honestly, I didn't want to know. Maybe because I didn't want to be disappointed. The whole time I was pregnant, I carried in my checkbook a picture from a magazine. It was a picture of the three Oil of Olay models at that time. Their names escaped me at the moment. I told myself that if I only look at THE picture, I will have THE daughter and THE daughter will be beautiful. I figured, I can't rely on genes only. I have to do everything in my power to make sure that this one will be the most beautiful great grandchild I could produce for my grandma and that my mom will be able to look at her sisters and brothers and say that she truly has the most gorgeous apo (grandchild) of the clan. I know. There is rivalry.
At an early age, my mom already conditioned us to marry an American or atleast half American, preferably White. Especially me. My mother told me that I am the ugliest among her children and that if I marry a fellow Asian, my kids will all be ugly. That scared me to death. My mom is not mean or anything. She tells the TRUTH. I know some of you will be screaming CHILD ABUSE but hey, she's my mom and she's always right and she is another story or should I say another blog?
With all the prayers I could pray, coupled with my husband's good genes and constantly looking at the picture, I did manage to produce a beautiful daughter, THE daughter. She became everybody's favorite. Named after my grandmother, her name suits her very well. Ana Celina. She's the first of my mom's grandkids and naturally, was spoiled to death, treated like a doll, showered with jewelry at the early age of 4 days old. Again, that is another blog.
She is now a teenager. We went through a lot together when she was growing up. First boyfriend, first "driver's license", first prom, and a lot of other firsts too many to mention but the most important one is having her as my first child.